Focus Groups
Live conversations with consumers, anywhere
What Is It?
Online focus groups allow you to have group conversations live with consumers – no matter where they (or you) are.

How to Leverage It
Objective Setting
Setting objectives will dictate the questions you want consumers to answer. You’ll want to think through:
What’s driving the need?
What are 2-3 questions you need answers to?
How are you measuring success?

Plan your focus group and determine:
The best moderator
The best flow of the discussion
What the discussion topics are
What, if any, visuals or other stimulus is needed
Determine Audience
Identify the consumers needed for the focus group.
Who do you want to hear from?
What’s the right demographic mix for the focus group?

Curate Questions
Start with a set of questions to get the conversation started, but also remember that follow-up questions matter.
Start broad at a category level and then move toward more brand-specific questions
Determine key questions to ask
Keep an open mind for follow-up questions
Allot the right amount of time for discussion